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Cafba News - Jan 2016
A Publication of the Canadian Air Force Brats Association
Where Being A Brat Is A Good Thing!
www.cafba.ca email: membership@cafba.ca
Over 13,368 members and growing! Let's find everyone.
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In This Issue:

  1. Welcome Back
  2. Where To Begin
  3. Today's Quote - Yesterday's Saying
  4. Cafba Website Updates
  5. Trivia
  6. Airshows
  7. Reunions And Get Togethers
  8. Base Updates
  9. Base Recollections
  10. A CAFBA Recommended Site
  11. What the BRAT's Are Saying!
  12. Remember When!
  13. Make A Brat Laugh
  14. A Brat's Quote
  15. The Brat's Hall of Fame
  16. The List of Brat Sites
  17. Advertise in this newsletter

  • Welcome Back

  • Welcome to this Jan 2016 edition of the Cafba News! Wishing You All A Happy New Year!

    We hope you have a Prosperous New Year and mega success in keeping your resolutions!

    holly (20K) clover (15K) merryxmas (20K)

    greetings (1K)

    A special welcome to all of the new subscribers. Thanks for subscribing to this free newsletter from www.cafba.ca. Please tell your friends about this newsletter.

    If you were sent a copy of this newsletter from a friend why not sign up to receive your own copy sent directly to your inbox?


    New Year's is a time for reflecting on our past.

    It is a time for planning for our future.

    It is a time to be thankful for what we have.


    Where to begin!

    This is your newsletter - If you have a comment - let's hear it!

    Do you make New Year's Resolutions?

    Do you use New Year's Day to review your lot in life?

    D0 you reflect back on the past year and make plans to make next year a better year?


    Today's quotation:

    "If you keep doing things the way you've always done them, you will keep getting the same results you've always gotten."
    -author unknown

    Yesterday's saying:

    "If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we'd all be millionaires."

    Abigail Van Buren

    A new daily quote is shown on cafba main page

    Submit Yours Now for the next newsletter!


    Cafba Website Updates

    After being offline for some time - the site had been hacked and totally taken down by a bunch of internet pirates - I am pleased to announce that the cafba web site is once again up and running.
    Unfortunately, for now, we are back to scrolling the long lists of names rather than having a search facility. But we will eventually replace and update the search capability making it quicker and easier for you to locate lost friends.

  • The Main Page!

    The main entry page at www.cafba.ca should be where all your searches of the cafba web site start.

    It will always contain the latest polls ( get your vote in!); a place to subscribe to the newsletter; the most up to date links to the rest of the site; as well as a cartoon or joke to put a smile on your face.

    It will occasionally have some comment and of course it will always have links to our sponsors, as it is they that help keep the site running!

    The left hand side navigation bar has the "new Phorum" that can be accessed under "Click Here - Enter My Forum!" Stop on by and leave your two cents worth.

    So start all of your visits to the cafba web site here www.cafba.ca

    Please email any comments to membership@cafba.ca


  • Cafba Celebrations

    • Sometime in Jan 2016 - 16th Anniversary of www.cafba.ca. We started cafba in Jan 1996.
    • 27 Jan 2016 seventeenth of Cafba Newsletter issued

    • Birthdays in Jan - Happy Birthday Y'All
    • bdaycake (2K)
      Birthdate Last Name First Name
      01-Jan Ewing Jane
      01-Jan Koschzeck Lance
      01-Jan Parker Ken
      02-Jan Martin Susan
      02-Jan Ryan Lynn
      03-Jan Munn James (junior)
      04-Jan Nichols Gary
      05-Jan Scott Rose
      06-Jan Pakenham Christine
      06-Jan Sagriff James (Jim)
      06-Jan Stack Peter
      09-Jan Davies Larry
      10-Jan Breffitt Jane
      10-Jan St Pierre Anne
      14-Jan Wilson David
      15-Jan Fahlman Bill
      15-Jan Martin Betty
      17-Jan Miron Deanna
      18-Jan Cale Lynda
      19-Jan Bilick Cindy
      20-Jan Lynch Debbie
      20-Jan Nicks Don
      20-Jan Pitchford John
      21-Jan Maurice Richard
      23-Jan Grant Denise
      23-Jan Murray Patricia
      23-Jan Plante Bernard
      23-Jan Pleau Andy
      24-Jan Despault Paul
      26-Jan Voigt Thomas
      28-Jan Hannan Patricia
      29-Jan Kasawan Linda
      29-Jan Reyno Ruth

    For those people whose names do not appear but who are also celebrating a B'Day this month, We wish you a Happy Birthday as well. If you want yours added, send me a note. Or go to cafba homepage login, and update your personal information.


    Vol one

    Newsletter Information

    This is the 17th edition of the cafba newsletter and it just keeps getting better, thanks to you!

    Thanks to all of the new subscribers. If you have signed up but don't receive notification about the newsletter (we send out a notice about upcoming issues about two weeks in advance of the latest issue being published), perhaps you didn't confirm your email address at the time of subscribing. You will receive a confirmation email that must be replied to before your subscription is complete.

    The newsletter signup is separate from being a registered cafba member! This allows those "other" BRATS who don't get a newsletter from their service to be able to belong to a community.

    To ensure you receive notification of the newsletter being published, please add the two following email addresses to your contact list, sometimes known as the "white list".
    news@cafba.ca and membership@cafba.ca
    I will use both of these addresses for the newsletter and by placing them in your contact list, it will prevent the notices from being sent to your "spam folder"

    Some navigation features have been added to this newsletter. Each section now provides the ability to return to the top of the page without having to scroll all the way. Just click on the word top found at the end of each section of the newsletter.

    More and more mail servers are blocking attachments to emails or are scanning for known s*p*a*m words. We have experienced delivery problems to AOL, specifically and some free email address sites such as hotmail, netscape or yahoo. We encourage you to register and subscribe using your 'normal' email address rather than a web based address.

    So to avoid these delivery problems you will only receive a text message to let you know the newsletter has been published and where to find it.

    Did you miss out on the previous newsletters?

    They are now archived at http://www.cafba.ca/newsletter/newsletters.php

    Do you need a text only version of the newsletter?

    Please share this copy with your friends. If they would like their own copy delivered to their inbox send them here.


  • Cafba Memberships
  • As of publication of this newsletter we have over 13,368 names in the database. Are you registered? Go here and register your details now so you can be included in the website.

    All registrations for December 2016 have been added to the web site. We still have a backlog of registrations that I am endeavouring to get to. Unfortunately, just not enough spare time anymore. Please be patient.

    A listing of the latest new members can be found here: http://www.cafba.ca/members/newest/newest.php.


    I do appreciate the patience of those who have yet to be updated. Your details will eventually get on the web site!

  • Your Opinion Counts!
  • Monthly on the main page of the cafba site, we will ask a question

    This months question is

  • How Do you celebrate the Family Day Holiday which is the third Monday of February ?

  • Get your vote in. Go to www.cafba.ca and cast your vote from the navigation bar on the right side of the page.

    Check here for the answers in next month's newsletter!

    Have a question you would like surveyed? Email us with your question.

    If you haven't voted yet, please do so - your opinion counts!

    Watch for our next poll starting in Mar 2016.


  • Trivia
  • Have you checked out the past trivia contest answers on the cafba website? Answers to the questions can be found at http://www.cafba.ca/trivia/trivia.php

    Do you have a good trivia question? Send it in and we will use it in future contests.

  • Newsletter Trivia Question

  • This edition's 10 quick trivia questions:

    1. How many ridges are around the edge of a dime?
    2. How many muscles does a cat have in each ear?
    3. What is the lifespan of a dragonfly?
    4. How long is a goldfish's memory span?
    5. How long can a snail sleep for?
    6. What did Al Capone's business card state what type of business he was in?
    7. True or False! An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain?
    8. How many vocal sounds do cats have?
    9. What is the only English word that ends in "mt"?
    10. Are babies born with kneecaps?
    11. Which fish can blink with both eyes?

    Answer in the next newsletter


  • Upcoming Airshows
  • Book your seats NOW! The airshow season in Canada is almost upon us for another season!

    Check out upcoming airshows from the cafba website at http://www.cafba.ca/airshows/airshows.php

    What do you remember the most about attending an air show when you were young? Check out these shows, they will bring back all those great memories.

    Have you been to an Air Show yet? Did you take any pictures that you care to share? Share your airshow pictures - it's a great way to get free cafba web site access!

    Know of a show that is not listed? Let me know so we can add it to the next newsletter



  • Reunions and Get Togethers
  • Planning a reunion is a tremendous job. My hat goes off to everyone who has participated in putting together a reunion.

    For those people who attended a reunion, please send your thanks to the organizing committees for a job well done. If you attended a reunion this summer why not share your pictures and memories with us.

    There are lots of reunions coming up with more planned for future years. If you know of one not listed please let me know so we can include it in the next newsletter.

      Upcoming Reunions

      Mail us and let us know of any reunions you are aware of. We will post them here as well as link to any web pages.

      • August 23 - 28, 2016: #1 (F) WING REUNION Marville the fourth reunion for the 1 (F) Wing military, civilian personnel, their spouses and offspring! The registration fee is 70 euros per person

        For the most part, attendees will need to provide their own transportation (exclusive of the one-day bus tour) to and from the other areas of interest, e.g., Marville, Virton, Longuyon and Florenville. Participants are also responsible for their own accommodations, meals (other than the main dinner) and refreshments not otherwise specified.

        Payment for the reunion should be made by Money Order in Euros to Pierre Baar and to a Belgian bank. Please send your Money Order to: Pierre Baar 22, rue de la station St-Mard, Belgium B6762

        Please complete the registration form and send your payment no later than May 30, 2016.

        Please direct questions to Philippe et Pierre Baar at Pierre.Baar@ec.europa.eu PH: 001-32-63-57-88-50 or to Ms. Aline M. McRory amcrory@magma.ca Ph:(613) 283-2534

      If you are on one of the upcoming reunion committees and want your reunion profiled, how about sending in some information about the event being planned? How many are you expecting? Where is the farthest BRAT coming from? What social events are planned? What accommodation has been arranged? Where can we register to attend? Is there a web site that we can refer to?

      If you have attended a reunion recently, why not let the other members know how it was. What were your experiences? Would you go back and do it again? Did you reunite with some old school chums? Was it all you expected it to be? Want to share some of your pictures? Write me with the details and we'll include them in the next newsletter.

      For additional details on any of these reunions, check out the reunions page: http://www.cafba.ca/events/upcoming.php on the cafba website!

      If your reunion isn't listed, email me and we'll put it in the next newsletter as well as adding it to our site. Free!


  • Cafba Website Navigation
  • Did you know!

    As alwyas the main page is the best place to access all of the cafba pages from. The main page is always current.

    We have alphabetized and updated the "How To Contact A Brat" links on the cafba links page at http://www.cafba.ca/links/links.php
    If you know of a link that is not listed please let us know so we can include it for everyone to check out.

    We have a new navigation bar down the left and right side of the main cafba page at www.cafba.ca

    The search facility will return soon on the site!

    Do you have a product or service that you can offer all Brats?

    Do you have a suggestion on how we can improve the site? Please let us know!


    freedom (7K)

  • Base Updates
  • Check out the base pictures that have been added for Lamacaza Many thanks to BRAT Glen Kennedy for this terrific additions to the site.

    Carol McNamara has contributed two more pictures from North Bay Thanks Carol for these terrific additions to the site. Can you name the kids from the 1968 Grade 8 Paul Davoud School class? Were you at the Teen Town Marathon Dance in the second Picture?

    Check out these and all the other base pictures at http://www.cafba.ca/bases/bases/basepics.php

    Have a picture to share? Email me to arrange transfer

    I know that lots of people have been exploring their past recently and have made visits to the bases where we used to live.

    Not all of us have the luxury of being able to travel back to our past but we all wonder what it is like today!

    Why not share your visit for all to read by writing a review for the cafba news. Let us know what has changed, how you felt, share some memories or even pictures

    For a great collection of base pictures check out Tom Straub's Photo Albums


  • Base Recollections:
    • "What was your favorite Christmas moment living on a base and where were you?"
    • Re: How many of you have gone back to look at your old bases and found them half torn down or closed?
    • Check out the base pictures page and see you can recognize the base posted on the where is it page.

    • Go here http://www.cafba.ca/bases/pictures/whereisit/whereisit.php

    What can you remember? Send in your recollections for the next newsletter.

    Do you have a fond memory of your base? Send it in and let others share in those memories!



  • A Cafba Recommended website
  • There is no cafba recommended web site for this issue!

    If you have a web site submit it for the next newsletter.

    Are you interested in listing your site on the cafba web site? Simply email us the link to your site and provide a brief description of its contents and why you made it.

    You could be our next cafba recommended web site!

    To have your site profiled in this newsletter, contact the membership@cafba.ca


  • Found on the Cafba Forum
  • Entries to the forum continue to be down substantially over previous months.

    Following are just some of the comments found on the forum recently

    • "I remember you. I was there when you were there."
    • "Wishing all brats out there a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy 2016"
    • "anyone here from Beaverbank in the early 60's"
    • "It is very difficult to put into words the profound impact that growing up on a military base can have."
    • Check out the forum that can be reached from the main web page under "My Phorum - Click Here" on the left hand navigation bar. Let's hear what is on your mind.


  • Remember When!


    • 1. Faith is the ability to not panic.

    • 2. If you worry, you didn't pray. If you pray, don't worry.

    • 3. As a child of God, prayer is kind of like calling home every day.

    • 4. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.

    • 5. When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still. So He can untangle the knot.

    • 6. Do the math. Count your blessings.

    • 7. God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.

    • 8. Dear God: I have a problem. It's me.

    • 9. Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted.

    • 10. Laugh every day, it's like inner jogging.

    • 11. The most important things in your home are the people.

    • 12. Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.

    • 13. There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.

    • 14. A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.

    • 15. He who dies with the most toys is still dead.

    • 16. We do not remember days, but moments. Life moves too fast, so enjoy your precious moments.

    • 17. Nothing is real to you until you experience it, otherwise it's just hearsay.

    • 18. It's all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just be sure to flush when you are done.

    • 19. Surviving and living your life successfully requires courage. The goals and dreams you're seeking require courage and risk-taking. Learn from the turtle, it only makes progress when it sticks out its neck.

    • 20. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.

    Do you have a true confession that you would like to share?

    Email us the story and we will include it in a future newsletter!

    Previous true confessions can be found here!

    Until next time! Be Good! But remember you are still a BRAT!

  • Make A BRAT Laugh!

    Have a Joke to share? Send it in membership@cafba.ca


  • A BRAT's Hall of Fame!

    Every group or organization has its Hall of Fame!

    Why not Bratdom?

    There are lots of Brats's who have achieved recognition in their community through competition or just plain participation.

    Do you have a suggestion for someone to be nominated?

    We regret to advise there is no nomination to The Brat's Hall of Fame this month!


  • Other Brat Sites
  • There are lots of sites dedicated to Bratdom. Cafba is just one of many!

    In this Jan 2016 issue we look at

    The following is a list of known brat related sites and can also be found on the cafba website at Cafba Links Page http://www.cafba.ca/links/links.php

    next publication set for Feb 2006

    For information on advertising in e-mail newsletters or other advertising opportunities with www.cafba.ca, email us at

    Thanks to this edition's sponsor:
    Stories For Kids By Lyla V. Byers

    Thanks for reading the cafba newsletter. This is a double opt-in email newsletter to which you subscribed to at http://www.cafba.ca/ or one of our other sites. To unsubscribe send an email to membership@cafba.ca

    If you enjoyed reading this, PLEASE pass it along to others

    Remember receiving this newsletter does not make you an automatic member of cafba. You must register your personal contact information to become a registered emmeber of cafba.

    hny (20K)
    Copyright 2004-2016 - Canadian Air Force Brats Association,
    All Rights reserved.

    To subscribe to this newsletter, and receive your own personal copy delivered directly to your inbox, complete the subscription form below.
    You will immediately receive a confirmation email to which you must reply.
    Once you respond to the confirmation email your name will be added to the newsletter distribution list

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    This is separate from the Cafba Registered Members Listing
    Enter your name and email address below:
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    Help keep this site growing! Please donate!

    CAFBA 2024 Individual Table
    Canadian Air Force Brats Alphabetical List of Members
    If you know the whereabouts of somebody on any of these listings, please contact the CAFBA Headquarters.
    Click on the letter that starts the Surname and it will take you to a list of brats.

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